
Solar Reserve, симулятор солнечного энергетического комплекса

Линкольн-центр (Нью-Йорк), совместно с Общественным художественным фондом, представляет арт-инсталляцию Solar Reserve, виртуальный симулятор солнечного энергетического комплекса, раскинувшегося на просторах штата Невада. Проект будет показан на видео-стене размером 7,3 × 8,5 метров. Этот виртуальный мир воссоздан с невероятным реализмом командой ирландского художника Джона Джеррарда на базе технологии UNIGINE Sim.

Симулятор в точности воспроизводит изменение местоположения солнца, луны и звёзд над конструкцией, а также в реальном времени показывает движение тысяч зеркал в соответствии с изменением освещения. Посетители могут полюбоваться закатом перед появлением звёзд на небе Невады, а также увидеть, как центральная башня подсвечивается прожекторами тёмной ночью. За энергетическим комплексом можно наблюдать как с земли, так и со спутниковой орбиты.

Читайте подробнее на сайте Линкольн-Центра.

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UNIGINE SDK 2014-07-07

Основные изменения:

  • City Traffic - расширяемая система для создания городского трафика (включая дороги, транспорт, пешеходов).
  • Node Export плагин для удобного экспорта ресурсов (нод, мешей, материалов, текстур, проперти) из одного проекта в другой.
  • Новый файловый диалог с закладками и удобной навигацией.
  • Библиотека калифорнийских растений (дуб крупноплодный, псевдотсуга Мензиса, cосна Сабина, толокнянка и др.)
  • Новые возможности UnigineScript.
  • Документация по созданию проекта на С++ без использования UnigineScript.

Подробнее в development log.

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New developer.unigine.com

After several months of work we have started unveiling new version of the UNIGINE developers portal​, featuring the following improvements:

  • Modern design
  • Technical support help desk
  • Easier file sharing
  • Improved account management for companies
  • CRM core for more efficient communication with customers
  • Improved search
  • Integration with the SDK browser
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Algorithmic Wanderers: арт-студия John Gerrard Studio опубликовала новый 3D проект, работающий в реальном времени, впервые взяв за основу движок Unigine.

Вена, Австрия - 25 марта 2014 - John Gerrard Studio, арт-группа ирландского художника Джона Джеррарда, реализовавшего более 70 сложных высокотехнологичных инсталляций и арт-проектов, опубликовал новый 3D проект, работающий в реальном времени, впервые взяв за основу движок Unigine.

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UNIGINE SDK 2014-03-25

Highlights of the release:

  • Added access to the renderer via C++ API
  • Improved Qt integration samples
  • Major extension of C++ API, including access to nodes, widgets, controls
  • Added a small airport demo, showcasing point lights (they are visible even from very large distance) and directional sector lights
  • Improved debugging for UnigineScript
  • Added a real-time strategy game sample based on the Game framework

We are discontinuing support for DirectX 9 in order to deliver improved technology, starting from the next SDK update. More details will be announced soon.

Read more in the development log.

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UNIGINE SDK 2014-01-31

Highlights of the release:

  • SDK is splitted into two editions: Sim and Game
  • Added access to several objects via C++ API
  • Introduced NodeExtern and ObjectExtern, useful for defining new object types via C++ API (including custom rendering algorithms)
  • Added first-person shooter sample, based on Game Framework
  • Improved pathfinding
  • Completely rewritten GUI documentation

Read more in the development log.

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UNIGINE SDK 2013-11-27

Highlights of the release:

  • Implemented Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) protocol support.
  • Added support for conversion of WGS84, ECF and NED coordinate systems into Cartesian one.
  • Increased stability of rendering FPS rate.
  • Added support for flattened particles.
  • Added deterministic physics mode.
  • Improved background loading of meshes.

Read more in the development log.

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Oil Rush is Released for iOS

Get ready for hot naval and air battles - right on the go - with Oil Rush. This full-fledged strategy game in the beautiful post-apocalyptic scenery is available for iOS now in addition to the previous release for Android. Read more in the official press-release.

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Ai3D UNIGINE-based Steamship Simulator Successfully Completes Beta Testing

The Steamship Simulator developed by Ai3D became a highlight of the Bass Strait Maritime Centre Devonport located in Tasmania, Australia. The simulator is powered by the powerful and versatile UNIGINE Engine and provides a virtual experience of captaining a ship of the beginning of the last century into the Mersey River. It successfully completed beta testing and was even captained personally by the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard.

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UNIGINE Rescue Helicopter Demo Breathes New Life for the Simulation Industry

UNIGINE Corp. sets a new visual standard in the simulation and training industry with a preview of its next-generation technology demo. The project has the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine under the hood and showcases a simulation of a rescue helicopter operation with an extreme level of detail while running on consumer-level hardware.

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Pay What You Want for Oil Rush in the Humble Indie Bundle 8

As of today, Oil Rush, the epic naval strategy game, comes together with the Humble Indie Bundle 8. It is a unique, pay-what-you-want offer available for less than seven days, and this fascinating 3D game is unlocked as one of the bonuses if more than the average contribution for a bundle is paid. The game is an independent project by UNIGINE Corp. developed in-house and based on the proprietary UNIGINE Engine.

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Oil Rush is available on Steam for Linux as from now

The game supports Linux (as a standalone application) from the very beginning, so we are really happy that finally Linux users can enjoy hot naval battles with the whole Steam community (cross-platforms multiplayer matches are available). Fight for the last drop of oil and try to survive!

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