Earth Scale And Beyond
- 64-bit precision per coordinate (scenes as large as the Solar system)
- Support of 3D ellipsoid model (WGS84, custom models)
- Support of both geo-coordinates and Cartesian system
- Ephemeris system for celestial bodies positions
- Support of ENU / NED and ECF coordinates
- Performance-optimized object cluster system
Extremely Detailed Terrain
- Extreme details up to 1 mm per pixel
- Adaptive hardware tessellation with displacement mapping
- Layers system with flexible blending rules
- Multiple high-resolution insets
- Dynamic modification at the runtime - craters, funnels, trenches
- Binoculars/scopes support (x20)
- Up to 1024 detail materials
- Asynchronous multi-core data streaming
- Simultaneous editing by a team of 3D artists
- Optimized rendering and physics performance
Realistic Atmosphere
- 3D volumetric clouds
- Multiple cloud layers
- Different types of clouds
- Cloud shadows
- Realistic atmosphere rendering with light scattering
- Sun shafts and volumetric lighting
- Regional weather
- Weather effects, including wind affecting objects, rain, fog, lightning, and snow
- Dynamic LUT-based time-of-day model
- Sun and Moon, star map
Lifelike Water
- Geometric waves
- Full spectrum of sea state (Beaufort scale 0-12)
- Procedural foam and white caps
- Shoreline simulation
- Ship wake (bow, stern)
- Seamless underwater transition
- Subsurface light scattering
- Local volume subtraction (removal of water from hulls)
- Local fluid simulation physics
- Decals projection on water surface
- Access to the wave shape info on CPU side
- Global and local water basins
Made For Simulation & Training
- From simple trainers to Level D FFS
- API for Flight Model Dynamics (FDM) integration
- Airfield lighting system (PAPI, TDZ, REIL, etc.)
- API for motion platform control
- Sensors visualization (thermal, FLIR, enhanced NVG)
- Optimized for AI learning (computer vision)
- CPU/GPU sync for scene data to integrate with dynamics models
- Professional data input:
- Motion capture (optical, inertial)
- Full-body haptic / biometric input (TESLASUIT Integration)
- VRPN protocol for 6DOF devices
- Enhanced support for Degraded Visual Environments (DVE)
- HMI / HUD display widgets
Lightning Fast

Real-Time 3D Rendering
- Optimized for consumer-grade COTS hardware
- Support of supersonic flight speed
- Adaptive support of multi-core systems
- VR optimizations for 90+ Hz apps
- Fast intersection testing for LOS/HAT requests
- Close cooperation with engineering teams of major CPU/GPU vendors
Easy To Integrate

- Industry-standard protocols (CIGI, HLA, DIS)
- Support for Windows and Linux
- Compatible with both DirectX and OpenGL
- Variety of APIs to choose from: C++, C#, UnigineScript
- Shaders customization: HLSL, GLSL, UUSL languages
- Integration with ROS2 (Robot Operating System) a standard software platform for robotics and autonomous systems
- Embeddable into multi-window apps (Qt, WPF, WinForms, SDL, custom solutions)
- Minimal 3rd-party library dependencies
- Local and cloud deployment
- Full stack of modules: 3D renderer, scene manager, physics simulation, GUI widgets, audio system, AI components, content tools
Display Everywhere
- Multi-channel rendering over network
- Curved (cylinder / dome / custom) screens (image warping and edge blending)
- 180 / 360 degrees panorama (linear, curved & fisheye)
- Stereo rendering modes
- CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment)
- Video walls
- VR headsets (Oculus Rift/Quest, HTC Vive/Vive Pro/Focus/Cosmos, Varjo VR-1/VR-2/VR-3/XR-3, OpenVR, WMR)
Feature |
Game Engine |
Simulation Engine |
Realistic Graphics | Realistic Graphics
Multi-Channel Image Generation | Multi-Channel Image Generation
Broad Spectrum of Hardware | Broad Spectrum of Hardware
64-bit Precision of Coordinates | 64-bit Precision of Coordinates
Visual Scene Editor | Visual Scene Editor
Support for Geo-coordinates | Support for Geo-coordinates
Support for CIGI/HLA/DIS Protocols | Support for CIGI/HLA/DIS Protocols
Embeddable into C++/C# Apps | Embeddable into C++/C# Apps
UNIGINE 2 Sim: combining visual quality from entertainment industry with professional simulation and training features.
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